Don't just hear the Word. Be Doers of the Word.--James 1:22
We believe that faith is not something that you keep in your head. It affects your hands, and your feet, and your heart as well. Bethany has many different ministries which seek to make a difference in the world. Check some of them out below, and don't forget to click on our little food pantry (The Lifeboat) and our Ramp Team pages. See if you'd like to help with or even start a ministry of caring for others.

Fair Trade Coffee, Tea and Chocolate
Our Women of the ELCA group sells coffee, tea, and chocolate that is fairly traded which puts more money into the hands of the farmers and workers who grow them. These are available to purchase on a regular basis before and after worship as well as during the week.

Mission Trips
From time to time, we take mission trips to various locations to serve those in need. Pictured here are some of our youth who traveled to Appalachia to clean out and repair homes for those in need.

Bethany's quilters meet on a regular basis to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. These quilts are sent all over the world to those in need: refugees from war, those hit by natural disasters, and those suffering from poverty. Although there is some sewing involved for those who are able, there is also space for those who simply know how to tie a knot.

Yard heArts
Once a year, our youth break out the Yard heArts. Yes, this is a fundraiser, but it also is a fundraiser with a heart. Folks donate to have these hearts placed in the yards of friends and family with a message that, "You are loved." It is a great way to let folks know they are appreciated and cared for.

Food For Kids
Bethany works with the Hill Country Needs council to provide food for kids over the weekends. These are children who have been identified as being food insecure. On a weekly basis, volunteers gather to stuff bags with protein, fruit, snacks, fruit juice, milk and other items to give kids who might not otherwise get it, nutrition during the weekend. Pictured is the pantry where the food is stored. We can always use plastic bags. Just drop them off at the church in room 205.

Volunteers in the Community
Oftentimes it goes unnoticed, but not at Bethany. We know and appreciate our members who offer tons of volunteer hours in the community of Fredericksburg. You will find Bethany members donating their time to ministries like the Fredericksburg Food Pantry, the Hill Country Needs Council, and the Grace Center. You will also find them volunteering at Hill Country Memorial Hospital and serving on various city committees and task forces. Christians are called to be "salt and light" in our communities, and though it might not be flashy, our folks take this to heart as they serve in these capacities.