We believe that God has revealed who God is and what God cares about to humankind, and the Bible is an authoritative record of that revelation. As such, we do not believe we create God, but we come to know God as we study the pages of this book. God's revelation first started with the people of Israel recorded in the Old Testament. The fullness of God's identity is revealed in Jesus of Nazareth who is written about in the New Testament. Our Bible studies seek to help you enter into a relationship with God. Sometimes we study the Bible; sometimes we study current events and topics; other times, we study theology and scholarship. In every case, we try to connect the timeless truths of Scripture to everyday life and how we live. Several options are available. Please note: during the summer months, all Bible Studies are suspended as we follow the school year.

Pastor Led Bible Study
In non-COVID times, our pastors lead a Bible Study on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in the overflow room of our sanctuary. Generally, this is a study that is heavy on reading through a book of the Bible or studying a series of biblical texts like the Parables of Jesus, the sayings of Jesus, or the Lord's Prayer. We have also worked through topics like, "What happens after you die?" Discussion is fun, but sometimes very deep.

Legacy Class
During non-COVID times, the Legacy Class meets in room 115. We often refer to this class as the "Young Families' Class as it began with folks from the ages of 20-30. Some folks are still sticking with it as they push into their late 40's, but age isn't the deciding factor in this class. The want and desire to grow in faith is, and our teachers, Mark and Camille Williamson, do an excellent job of leading discussion. Generally, the class watches a video segment from a popular Christian author and then takes time to discuss.

Wednesday Facebook Study
On Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m., Pastor Kevin premiers a Bible Study on Facebook. He has gone through books of the Bible as well as covered topics like "Evidence for the Resurrection," "When History and the Bible Don't Meet," and "The Fruits of the Spirit." You are welcome to type questions into the comments section, and they will be answered as soon as possible.
Transitions Class
Our Transition Class generally likes to dig very deep. They are accustomed to reading a book on theology or watching video lectures and then taking time to discuss.